0161 سورة الأنعام آية 161

ا   ب   ت   ث   ج   ح   خ   د   ذ   ر   ز   س   ش   ص   ض   ط   ظ   ع   غ   ف   ق   ك   ل   م   ن   و   ه   ي
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قُلْ إِنَّنِي هَدَىٰنِي رَبِّيٓ إِلَىٰ صِرَٰطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ دِينًا قِيَمًا مِّلَّةَ إِبْرَٰهِيمَ حَنِيفًاۚ وَمَا كَانَ مِنَ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ ﴿سورة الأنعام آية ١٦١﴾.
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Verse (6:161) - English Translation

Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 161st verse of chapter 6 (sūrat l-anʿām). Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology.


Chapter (6) sūrat l-anʿām (The Cattle)

Sahih International: Say, "Indeed, my Lord has guided me to a straight path - a correct religion - the way of Abraham, inclining toward truth. And he was not among those who associated others with Allah."

Pickthall: Say: Lo! As for me, my Lord hath guided me unto a straight path, a right religion, the community of Abraham, the upright, who was no idolater.

Yusuf Ali: Say: "Verily, my Lord hath guided me to a way that is straight,- a religion of right,- the path (trod) by Abraham the true in Faith, and he (certainly) joined not gods with Allah."

Shakir: Say: Surely, (as for) me, my Lord has guided me to the right path; (to) a most right religion, the faith of Ibrahim the upright one, and he was not of the polytheists.

Muhammad Sarwar: (Muhammad), tell them, "My Lord has guided me to the right path, a well established religion and the upright tradition of Abraham who was not a pagan".

Mohsin Khan: Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Truly, my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a right religion, the religion of Ibrahim (Abraham), Hanifa [i.e. the true Islamic Monotheism - to believe in One God (Allah i.e. to worship none but Allah, Alone)] and he was not of Al-Mushrikun (see V.2:105)."

Arberry: Say: 'As for me, my Lord has guided me to a straight path, a right religion, the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith; he was no idolater.'

See Also

[6:161] Basmeih
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Sesungguhnya aku telah diberikan petunjuk hidayah oleh Tuhanku ke jalan yang betul lurus, (kepada) ugama yang tetap teguh, iaitu ugama Nabi Ibrahim yang ikhlas, dan tiadalah ia dari orang-orang musyrik".
[6:161] Tafsir Jalalayn
(Katakanlah, "Sesungguhnya Aku telah ditunjuki oleh Tuhanku kepada jalan yang lurus) kemudian dijadikan badal (yaitu agama yang benar) agama yang lurus (agama Ibrahim yang lurus dan Ibrahim itu bukanlah termasuk orang-orang yang musyrik").
[6:161] Quraish Shihab
Katakan kepada mereka, wahai Rasulullah, dengan menjelaskan kebenaran agama yang engkau bawa, "Sesugguhnya Tuhanku menunjukkan aku ke jalan yang lurus, dan sangat lurus. Jalan itu adalah agama yang dianut Ibrâhîm, jauh dari pemahaman akidah palsu. Ibrâhîm sendiri tidak pernah beribadah kepada tuhan selain Allah seperti yang dituduhkan orang-orang musyrik."
[6:161] Bahasa Indonesia
Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya aku telah ditunjuki oleh Tuhanku kepada jalan yang lurus, (yaitu) agama yang benar, agama Ibrahim yang lurus, dan Ibrahim itu bukanlah termasuk orang-orang musyrik".


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